Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hello Gabon!

After more than thirty hours, we are finally here. If you want to include time changes we traveled for thirty-nine straight hours, and thirty-one if you think those time changes don't matter. But for me and the other interns, those time changes are very real as we jumped eight hours so very quickly. All the traveling is done and over with and here I sit typing at Tim and Meredith's home. I guess I can start calling it home now too, figuring I will be here for the next few months.

This is so surreal. I can't believe that I am back at the same spot I was last summer. I don't feel like this should be happening. As I stepped off the plane onto Gabon soil once again, emotions started flooding me. A sense of relief came as I looked around and realized that I am finally here. The preparations all paid off, training left me feeling more ready to embark on this journey, and we are here safely with ALL our luggage in tow. Excitement swept over me too as I will be able to spend my summer serving Jesus in this place that has grown so close to my heart. And finally, humility hit me. Jesus has been showing me so much about this. I like to serve, and I will tell you that, but when it comes down to it, I really only like serving when I want to or for things I know how to do. If I think that someone can do the task themselves, then I tell them that, and sometimes not int he nicest way. But I want to be known as a woman that is clothed in humility.

And I was reminded of all this in my quiet time on the plane today as I read out of Galatians 5:13 " You, my brothers and sister, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the sinful nature; rather,serve one another humbly in love."

I am humbled by the fact that God chooses to use me although He could quickly accomplish everything I will be doing for Him this summer with the snap of a finger. Also, I have some pretty amazing interns that I will be serving with. I can't wait.

For those who came lat year, Hannah (the intern) is here with a team from Crown College. She leaved tomorrow night so I won't get to hangout with her much. Pray for safe travels as they return to the States.

Also, here's what being an intern looks like this far: as soon as we were in the airport parking lot and our bags were loaded, we had to push start the car. That was our very first job as interns. Once it was started it couldn't be stopped, and I don't think Tim did on the way home at all. Just the first of many adventures I will experience this summer.


  1. can't wait to hear about all the adventures and what GOD is teaching you as the summer progresses! :) love you!

  2. YEY!!!!
    So glad you are FINALLY there!!!
    Hope to talk to you soon!
    I love you!!!!!

  3. Hi Bethany, We got the call that you all and everything else had arrived safely. We are so excited for you and all that you will accomplish for/with GOD this Summer. Our pride in your choices for living life are a great comfort to us as your parents. Mom now knows how to get on-line and read everyone's blogs - so I have created a monster of sorts - but that is a good thing. We had a great Memorial Day - rather restful with no kids, but today we are back at it once more. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers and we daily place you before the throne of Grace. (I will have to show Mom how to comment - then watch out!)Signing off for now with lots of love for you -Dad

  4. AHH! Bethany!!!! I love reading about this! It's so exciting! Praying for you all!

  5. I literally have goose bumps as I'm reading!!! I am imagining the airport, the young men grabbing for your carts {and your money?!}, Tim's big white van {w/Top Gun playing, perhaps?!?}, and the sense of relief when you finally unloaded your bags and went upstairs to pick out your bunk. Sigh...goosebumps. Wishing I was unpacking in the bunk next to yours! Love you, Beth!

  6. I just found your blog! And I've very glad I did! I'm soo excited for you Bethy and know God has amazing things for you-as you already know. Keep blogging. I love reading it all! I bought our tickets for Cambodia yesterday and now I'm just trusting God that the money will all come in. Pray for me!! I'm praying for you! Love ya!!

  7. Hey Bethany (and Drew and Nate!),

    Just wanted to let you know that I (we) have been thinking about you. I think Halle and Jared both wish they were in Gabon again, too! We will continue to pray for you - enjoy each day and the many amazing "God things" you are all sure to experience. Hugs to all!
