Sunday, August 29, 2010

a new look

I had this great idea to update more often upon arriving home. I figured since internet would be better, I would be better at blogging. Turns out, my blogging patterns have nothing to do with the internet. Just a warning, don’t believe that lie next time I tell it.
If you are one of the two people I know that regularly check my Blog (Amber & Dad), then you’ve probably noticed these few new changes right away. No worries, I promise it’s the same Bethy, but with a different setup. Don't panic Dad.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

this doesn't seem real

I knew this day would come eventually. It's here, and I don't like it very much. In just about an hour I'll be leaving for the airport to catch my flight back to the States. It's strange to think about really, but this feels like home. It's as if I am only going to be in the States for a few months and return. I wish that was the case. I've been here for just under three months so saying goodbyes hasn't been the easiest. Don't get me wrong, I am SO excited to be home and see all the faces that I've missed this summer. I just don't want to leave the faces here behind. Leaving them here would be impossible after the imprints they've placed on my heart this summer.

I forget what home in the States is like, but I'm coming! :)