After more than thirty hours, we are finally here. If you want to include time changes we traveled for thirty-nine straight hours, and thirty-one if you think those time changes don't matter. But for me and the other interns, those time changes are very real as we jumped eight hours so very quickly. All the traveling is done and over with and here I sit typing at Tim and Meredith's home. I guess I can start calling it home now too, figuring I will be here for the next few months.
This is so surreal. I can't believe that I am back at the same spot I was last summer. I don't feel like this should be happening. As I stepped off the plane onto Gabon soil once again, emotions started flooding me. A sense of relief came as I looked around and realized that I am finally here. The preparations all paid off, training left me feeling more ready to embark on this journey, and we are here safely with ALL our luggage in tow. Excitement swept over me too as I will be able to spend my summer serving Jesus in this place that has grown so close to my heart. And finally, humility hit me. Jesus has been showing me so much about this. I like to serve, and I will tell you that, but when it comes down to it, I really only like serving when I want to or for things I know how to do. If I think that someone can do the task themselves, then I tell them that, and sometimes not int he nicest way. But I want to be known as a woman that is clothed in humility.
And I was reminded of all this in my quiet time on the plane today as I read out of Galatians 5:13 " You, my brothers and sister, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the sinful nature; rather,serve one another humbly in love."
I am humbled by the fact that God chooses to use me although He could quickly accomplish everything I will be doing for Him this summer with the snap of a finger. Also, I have some pretty amazing interns that I will be serving with. I can't wait.
For those who came lat year, Hannah (the intern) is here with a team from Crown College. She leaved tomorrow night so I won't get to hangout with her much. Pray for safe travels as they return to the States.
Also, here's what being an intern looks like this far: as soon as we were in the airport parking lot and our bags were loaded, we had to push start the car. That was our very first job as interns. Once it was started it couldn't be stopped, and I don't think Tim did on the way home at all. Just the first of many adventures I will experience this summer.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
the time is here
The time is finally here. Tomorrow morning at 6.25, I will board a plane with nine other interns as we start our journey to Gabon, Africa. We fly to Philadelphia, then to Frankfort Germany, then to Gabon Africa, for a grand total of about 30 hours traveling. It seems so surreal, and we have been repeating the idea all day to one another to be reminded that this is actually happening. We have no idea what we are in for, but we are ready to see how God will use us and what He will do in us this summer. He is already doing amazing things in me, and I will be sure to blog about all of that when I have some more time on my hands. Here goes nothing...or everything.
This is for our lovely parents. We are still alive, and we are taking our Malaria medications. We are trying to be responsible and grown up. I'll let you know how that works out. :)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Expectations vs. Expectancy
As I try to write this with quiet fingers, my eyes are drowsy. It's been a long couple of days of training, but everything that I needed. Along with all the other interns serving overseas this summer, I participated in training in Ensenada, Mexico. During this training we bonded with other interns, imitated some short team scenerios and how to deal with others, and heard from speakers that truly let the Spirit speak through them. As much as I want to tell you all they said right now and how it is playing into what God is doing within at this time, that would take forever. I'll be sure to include those in other posts throughout my summer as those things occur. Try not be be too anxious, I promise they will come.
Now to the title of my blog, Expectations vs. Expectancy. As the time to get on the plane to Africa is quickly coming close, I find myself forfeiting my expectations and gaining expectancy. If I enter into this summer with a list of expectations and criteria to base what God did and how He moved, I will surely be disappointed. Because you see, God is already in Gabon. He has arrived long before I will even enter the airport. He has invited me to be apart of that, and if I enter in with a list of things I need to see and do in order to know God is working, I won't be happy. The God I serve is unpredictable. It would be insane for me to try to put Him in a box and tell him what I need to happen in order for me to know He is working. If I try to focus on specific ways that He is working, I might miss the ways that He is truly working. I may be looking for the big signs, all the meanwhile not hearing that still small voice inside calling out to me. So I don't have a list of criteria and I am expecting nothing. I know that God is working and that He will continue to do so this summer. He always is. It is my choice to be apart of it with an open-mind. With an expectant heart I have no agenda, time frame, or area that I need Him to work in. I sit at Jesus' feet surrendering myself to WHATEVER He has in store for me. After all, it is all about Him.
We have another day of training here in LA. Friday, most of the other interns head out to the parts of the world they are serving in. The Gabon team takes off early Saturday morning so we have an extra day to relax and to allow God to prepare us. I'll try to blog before we leave. Blogging everyday is not as easy as it sounds of as I would like it to be, so please bear with me.
Dad: I saw on my tracker that Lancaster visited not too long ago. It's after three at home so that means it was probably you checking when you got up. Good Morning!, and it is time for me to get some rest, finally.
Now to the title of my blog, Expectations vs. Expectancy. As the time to get on the plane to Africa is quickly coming close, I find myself forfeiting my expectations and gaining expectancy. If I enter into this summer with a list of expectations and criteria to base what God did and how He moved, I will surely be disappointed. Because you see, God is already in Gabon. He has arrived long before I will even enter the airport. He has invited me to be apart of that, and if I enter in with a list of things I need to see and do in order to know God is working, I won't be happy. The God I serve is unpredictable. It would be insane for me to try to put Him in a box and tell him what I need to happen in order for me to know He is working. If I try to focus on specific ways that He is working, I might miss the ways that He is truly working. I may be looking for the big signs, all the meanwhile not hearing that still small voice inside calling out to me. So I don't have a list of criteria and I am expecting nothing. I know that God is working and that He will continue to do so this summer. He always is. It is my choice to be apart of it with an open-mind. With an expectant heart I have no agenda, time frame, or area that I need Him to work in. I sit at Jesus' feet surrendering myself to WHATEVER He has in store for me. After all, it is all about Him.
We have another day of training here in LA. Friday, most of the other interns head out to the parts of the world they are serving in. The Gabon team takes off early Saturday morning so we have an extra day to relax and to allow God to prepare us. I'll try to blog before we leave. Blogging everyday is not as easy as it sounds of as I would like it to be, so please bear with me.
Dad: I saw on my tracker that Lancaster visited not too long ago. It's after three at home so that means it was probably you checking when you got up. Good Morning!, and it is time for me to get some rest, finally.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I guess I'm an early riser.
If you know me, you realize that something isn't right with the title of today's post. And you are right, because I am NOT an early riser, I have never been, and hopefully this won't become a trend in my sleeping patterns. Drew, Nathan, and I left at 4:15 in the morning on Saturday to catch our 5:40 flight in Harrisburg. We flew to Philadelphia and then arrived safely in San Diego. We were tired to say the least. So tired in fact, that we stayed inside all day, took naps, watched tv, and mustered up enough strength to go get something to eat and take a 20 minute walk. So I think that our 20 minute walk evens out with our three naps, right? :) haha And then again, this morning, I found myself up at 5am. That's 8am at home, but still, that's not like me at all. I wasn't sure if it was nerves, excitement, or a mix of both. Realizing my eyes were not going to shut so I could catch three more hours left of sleep, I began to pray. My friend Mariah from Nyack, who is also interning in Gabon this summer, had her flight this morning. So, I prayed for her. By my time at 5, which was her time at 8, she should have been in Detroit to catch her connecting flight to San Diego to get here in time. The call at 5.42 told me otherwise. She was stuck on another runway because her it was too foggy to land in Detroit. We've exchanged multiple phone calls and texts this morning. There was a reason why I was up so early. To pray. She'll be meeting us a little later today, not on time, but she'll meet us.
As I write this, we are getting ready to head back to the airport to meet all the other interns and start our training. We have no idea what's in store for us. Pray for unity among our team, as these will be the people we are spending our summer with as we serve beside one another. Also, as we go through spiritual training, pray that Christ will make His home in our hearts.
As I write this, we are getting ready to head back to the airport to meet all the other interns and start our training. We have no idea what's in store for us. Pray for unity among our team, as these will be the people we are spending our summer with as we serve beside one another. Also, as we go through spiritual training, pray that Christ will make His home in our hearts.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I'm ready, or I think I am. One bag is packed with the exception of some chargers and a beach towel that is being washed. The other is completely ready to go, we had to re-work some things to keep it within the weight limit. Mom, if you are reading this, THANK YOU. I know I've gotten on your nerves and pissed you off more than once while you were helping me pack. I could NOT have done it on my own. We aren't completely done yet, so let's hope we can get this last bag within 50 lbs. What use is shampoo and conditioner, anyway?
Along with the packing come the goodbyes. And of course, if you know me at all, you know that the tears come too. And the tears make my eyes are big and puffy and gross, so don't try taking a picture to remind yourself of me. I'll need lots of tissues. I've spent some time with each of my brothers and said goodbye. I still have my parents to say goodbye to, of course, and then a few more friends. Those will all happen tonite. Although I don't allergies, I might just be blaming the tears on them.
Thankfully, I'll have two awesome guys making this journey with me. We leave to catch our flight at 4:15AM tomorrow morning. We spend the day in San Diego and then training starts on Sunday. Here goes nothing!
Along with the packing come the goodbyes. And of course, if you know me at all, you know that the tears come too. And the tears make my eyes are big and puffy and gross, so don't try taking a picture to remind yourself of me. I'll need lots of tissues. I've spent some time with each of my brothers and said goodbye. I still have my parents to say goodbye to, of course, and then a few more friends. Those will all happen tonite. Although I don't allergies, I might just be blaming the tears on them.
Thankfully, I'll have two awesome guys making this journey with me. We leave to catch our flight at 4:15AM tomorrow morning. We spend the day in San Diego and then training starts on Sunday. Here goes nothing!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
So I leave very early Saturday morning. I probably should be packed by now, but I am not even close to being done. If I learned anything from college, it was how to procrastinate. That's exactly what I have been doing. And my parents would surely agree as my mom has been telling me to pack since last week and I am just finishing up some work with my dad. Today will be spent packing and running some last minute errands. My room is a wreck with everything that I think I will need for THREE months. I'd like to just skip over this packing part, but it doesn't work that way.
This is all starting to become more and more real. At times, it still feels like a dream that God would bless me with such an awesome way to spend my summer serving Him. I am sure that's how most of the summer will feel too. But this is real, and my parents' random tears and hugs along with the mounds of clothes on my bed are good reminders.
This is all starting to become more and more real. At times, it still feels like a dream that God would bless me with such an awesome way to spend my summer serving Him. I am sure that's how most of the summer will feel too. But this is real, and my parents' random tears and hugs along with the mounds of clothes on my bed are good reminders.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
one week
I haven't updated in forever. If you visit regularly, please forgive me. But keep visiting because I will be updating much more frequently. And here's why...
In one week (yes, that's only seven days), my trip to Gabon, Africa, will begin. I will be interning with Tim & Meredith Brokopp. You can check them out here.
In one week (yes, that's only seven days), my trip to Gabon, Africa, will begin. I will be interning with Tim & Meredith Brokopp. You can check them out here.
They will host several short term missions teams this summer, and connect them to the various ministries that the Gabonese have already started. Some of those ministries will include a Mobile Medical Clinic, the Hope House Orphanage, Bongolo Hospital, Church Planting in different Villages, and lots of other great ministries. As an intern, I will be helping to lead those wonderful teams.
As some of you know, I was on one of those short term teams last summer with others from my youth group at Lancaster Alliance Church. We were stretched outside of our comfort zone and emerged so quickly into a foreign culture. Saying we loved it would be an understatement. Our team quickly fell in with the people. And with tears in my eyes, I said goodbye. I had thoughts of returning, but I never thought in my wildest dreams that I actually would. Yet here I am, with only seven days left until I leave. In God's perfect plan, He knew I would return. Even in my moments of fear, doubt, and uncertainty, this is what God has placed before me this summer. I am following with no hesitation.
I didn't share too much about my trip last summer because this summer will be totally different. I have some ideas of what to expect because of last summer, but in the same regards I am absolutely clueless because three months is MUCH longer than 2 weeks (did I mention it was three months before?!?! I have a week of training in California/Mexico starting the 23rd, I arrive in Gabon May 28th and leave August 11th) . And I think I'm okay with being clueless in regards of what to expect. The last thing I want is for my expectations to get in the way of what God will do in me and through this summer.
If it seems like I didn't share many details, it's probably because I don't know much myself. I do know that this is what God has for me this summer and I am following with an open and willing heart to grow, serve, and love. So join me as I journal about my summer in Gabon and as I learn to open my heart to everything that God has for me.
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