Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the start of something

So here I sit, at Panera Bread, creating my blog. This blog will be used as I share who I am, what I'm going through, and where I find myself. This is me.


  1. Hey, Beth...what? NO capitals??? Do we assume you will not be using any? Ever?

  2. since you are talking about the sheer extravagance of GOD'S love, allow me to remind you of the meaning of prodigal:1.characterized by profuse or wasteful or lavish expenditure
    2.recklessly spendthrift
    3.yielding abundantly, luxuriant ...synonyms: profuse

  3. oh, beth...i love, love, LOVE that your daddy will be reading here and adding his thoughts to you!!! There will be a lesson for us all! yippee!!!

  4. Terri, I was reading something today and the person did not capitilize their letters. It annoyed me, so I decided I would change the way I was writing. And yes, I can't wait to learn all the lessons my daddy has to share via my blogspot. hehe :)
