Tuesday, July 6, 2010

mud pies

One of my favorite childhood memories is making mud pies in the backyard. Did you know that Mom and Dad?! I used to love pouring water from a toy thermal water bottle over the dirt and mixing it all up in a large bowl. When the mixture was just right, I added all the necessary ingredients(all dirt of course),and it was then time to pour it into tin pie pans, slice, and serve. Turns out, playing with mud is still one of my favortie things to do.

This afternoon was spent at the Hope House digging and setting posts (or some fancy construction word) in order that a fence can be made to completely surround the land. As the digging progressed, the dirt became more wet due to the close proximity of a pond. Needless to say, there was TONS of wet dirt. Just like any typical day at the Hope House, Masunda found his spot on my lap. He promptly picked up the mud beside me, smashed it into my hands, and we began to play. We flattened it, smashed it, rounded it, handed some out, tossed the rest, and then started all over again. And then again, and again. Of course, none of the other children could resist their desire to play in mud. With lots of imaginations at work we created ships, houses, turtles, people with mow-hawks, Crosses, and lots of other things. Masunda, who once again was on my lap, took to his favorite pretend job and played street vendor while creating all kinds of desserts. We made mud pies and beignets. When I ran out of mud in my hands it was quickly replaced from a stockpile that was constantly being gathered. I left with dirt in my nails and a nice shade of reddish brown color covering my hands.

My afternoon was spent exactly like it sounds...making mud pies. To be honest, I didn't do much to contribute to the work of setting the post thingys, and I hope that doesn't bother you. A few moths ago it would have bothered me. The longer I spend in Africa, the easier it is to "be". Or maybe it has nothing to do with Africa, and that's just the person I'm becoming ( I'm praying it's this second reason). Truth is, I'm being more and more drawn to the littleness and simplicities of life. I believe that it is even through simplicities such as mud pies, that love can truly be shared.

As Mother Teresa used to say, "We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it." By no description did I do any great things today, but instead I found myself doing the teenie weeniest of things and playing in the mud. And if you could have tasted those mud pies, I'm sure you would have tasted an extra ingredient of love from all the bakers.


  1. i am loving this way of life.... thru all of you! i see a big smile on JESUS face knowing you had a great time being creative with the kids...... i know it had to make their day! i see you giving your all to the LORD , even when making mud pies! :)

  2. Hi Bethany - here is the old man attempting another comment ... as I read your remarks I was reminded how GOD HIMSELF "played in the mud" when HE fashioned Adam out of the dirt of the Earth and breathed into him HIS very own breathe ... I am glad to read of the "love" that you all were sharing together in/with the mud. When JESUS told us that we must become like little children, HE definitely was not instructing us to become "childish" - but to model the best examples that children can bring to the table. I am pleased that you are doing small things with great love! GOD bless you in all that you do in HIS Name - XOXO - Dad

  3. YOU ARE SO STINKING CUTE!!! When you get home we are so going dancing in the rain and playing in the mud. I can't wait for your new look on life to rub off on me... it sounds wonderful...
    I love you...

  4. Been away from your blog for too long...and this post was a great reminder of rest and contentment on this Sunday afternoon. Why is it we feel guilty when we choose to be still and soak in what is around us???
    Missing you today...can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!!! Moving day is this week, so you'll be sitting in a different kitchen, but I'm looking forward to spending time with you and catching up. {same chairs, different counter..that's ok, right?} As I type, it's getting dark there - trusting this day of Sabbath and no doubt, dancing, has filled your spirit! LOVE YOU, Girlie!
